Monday, May 14, 2012

Cravings; What (if anything) do they mean?

Submitted by Certified Pre & Postnatal Bella Bellies Instructor, Eun Young Kim;

Ask anyone you meet on a random day what food(s) do they normally crave and most will have one or two things that pop up in their mind. The most common ones I have heard? Chocolate, wine, caffeine, salty chips…..And if you are pregnant? Deli meats, donuts, fries (and occasionally the pickles!) … the list does not sound very positive in healthy eating terms, does it? But why is it that most of us “crave” foods that are calorie dense and / or not nutritionally rich? Or do we actually unknowingly “crave” healthy foods too, but we just don’t think or talk about it in terms of cravings? Is that baby growing inside when pregnant really making you crave those bagels (and doughier the better it seems, right?!) or is it a kind of wishful thinking that allows us to somewhat rid our guilt of consuming foods that would normally not form a part of our daily diet…?  

What about all the non-food cravings? Nurturing friendships, a fulfilling career, spiritual belonging… Case in point: I asked my husband what he is craving today and his answer was: patience (especially with our children). I find this topic of cravings hugely fascinating – it’s seemingly a shallow subject but has so many different layers to it.

So, let’s talk about the food cravings first.
The thing to note here is that food cravings don’t just relate to taste (sweet, salty…), but also to texture (crunchy, creamy) as well as density it seems (bulky vs. light (as in almost fluffy)).And in discussing this very topic with a fellow health coach (owner of The Healing Dish) I was guided to a small piece of research linking moods to cravings:
"Researchers have found out that our moods can dictate what we eat," says JR, a medical doctor and recovering food addict. According to research, here is a list of food cravings and the moods they address:
If you crave:You may be feeling:
Meat, hard and crunchy foodsAngry
Soft, sweet foods like ice creamAnxious
Salty foodsStressed
Bulky, filling foods (crackers, pasta)Lonely, sexually frustrated
Anything and everythingJealous
So, I myself first and foremost crave something crunchy every day. I also crave something creamy and soft once a day (usually mid-afternoon or early evening) and I want to finish off my lunches and dinners with a sweet note (nothing huge, but a tiny piece of dark chocolate will fill the gap for me). In thinking through this subject, I realized that I actually crave a lot more than I thought I did. So, what does that make me? Am I angry (craving crunchy foods), anxious (soft foods) and jealous (as I seem to crave multiple things)?!?! If I am honest with myself, I think most of these cravings are not actually physical needs, but rather psychological – perhaps I have been “eating my emotions” without being fully aware of it. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle – I think about all the tasks that need doing in the day or if my stress levels are up, I crave something crunchy it seems; then having consumed a lot of crunchy food, my body naturally seeks to balance that out by calling for something creamy and soft. As for the something sweet? Well, given that it is usually chocolate I crave, perhaps it is the mood boosting chemical serotonin in the chocolate that makes me feel relaxed and satisfied after consuming it? Whatever it may be, I know that food alone does not satisfy those cravings (not in the longer term anyway) and I take comfort in me knowing what my cravings are, when I tend to have those cravings and most importantly, am putting my energy more into finding nourishing options to fulfill those cravings (current obsessions: crunchy shredded cabbage, avocados, sweet potatoes and dates).

The non-food kind of craving warrants equal if not more attention in my mind (and just to be clear, craving (i.e. wanting to eat) non-food items, such as chalk, dirt or clay is a whole different matter and should be consulted with your healthcare provider). Even as not a particularly emotional or tactile person, I crave warmth (coming from another human being that is and not the burning fire) and companionship (especially when eating!), sunshine and well hydrated skin. You could argue that these are just my “wants” and not “cravings” but what really is the difference, if any? It’s just perhaps easier to fulfill our food cravings because we can go out and get whatever it is that we happen to crave. And we are perhaps more conscious of it because if those cravings lead you to consume a lot of empty calories, it shows up pretty fast in our waistline. However, non-food cravings are inextricably linked to our food cravings (just look at the research table above!). If left unfulfilled, they will create a void, which many of us will seek to replace with specific food items – the age old problem of not treating the cause but the symptoms.

So, what does this all mean…? Well, I accept that I have certain food cravings. I try to understand when (time of the day, month, year) those craving occur and “be prepared” with healthy, more ‘natural food’ options, allowing myself to be in tune with my own body. I also try and spend a little time periodically re-assessing different aspects of my life to prevent emotional eating (and trust me, I am one of those people who eat when confused, anxious or depressed rather than losing appetite). I am making more conscious effort to be more spontaneous, spend more time actually playing with my children and interacting with my spouse and mindfully drinking more water (because what we think are food cravings are also very often our bodies’ cries for water). I encourage you to spend a little time to perhaps identify and understand your own food, emotional and physical cravings. If you feel at the end of the exercise you are ideally balanced, then great! If not, think of small steps you could take to fill the voids that you see, come up with some healthier alternatives to the chocolate, caffeine, wine, donuts; try listening to calming music or indulge in a soaking bath instead; laugh out loud; make exercise an integral part of your daily routine; eat at least one meal a day around the table as a family…whatever you feel works best for you.

As always, experiment and have fun! 

Eun Young is now instructing Bella Bellies Pre & Postnatal Classes in the Hoboken Community, go to to see her schedule. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

3 Simple "Bella Bellies" Goals

Lucky Number Three!
Try these three simple "bella bellies" goals to improve your health and well-being.

Belly fat is one of the worst fats to have on your body. Belly fat functions differently than other fats in the body, which, frankly, is down-right odd. Why? Belly fat contains more blood vessels and therefore a greater blood supply. Also, belly fat contains more receptors in it, making it more responsive to hormonal shifts, especially a shift in the stress hormone cortisol. Furthermore...Statistically belly fat makes women more vulnerable to cardiovascular dysfunction/failure (the leading cause of death for women in the United States), type 2 diabetes, depression and more.

Sometimes embracing a healthy life-style, one which promotes a flat abdomen, is overwhelming. My hope in establishing small goals is to motivate all of us to have Bella Bellies.

Goal # 1) Increase your healthy fat intake to reduce your belly and stress.

Healthy, omega fats help calm the nervous system. Studies have shown that eating omega-3 fats reduces the output of the stress hormone, epinephrine/adrenaline. Studies have further shown that men and women who have a healthy balance of omega-3 fats (supplement or food form) have reduced belly circumference. If you are pregnant, nursing or have other health conditions, speak with your care provider for his/her recommendation for supplements.

Jill Davis, Holistic Life Coach writes:
"I suggest cod liver oil and butter oil combo by green pastures. This improves organ function, depression, lubricates joints and studies have found people who take omegas, have less chances of Alzheimer's."

Goal # 2) Drink more water. Divide your body weight in half, and drink that amount in ounces.

Proper water consumption will help flush fluid retention and reduce constipation, both chronic belly-bloaters.

Jill Davis, Holistic Life Coach writes:
"Drinking at least eight glasses of water is imperative as oil is to a car. Dehydration may lead to many illnesses and since the body is made up of 80% of water, it clearly needs water to function. A book called "Your Bodies Many Cries For Water" by F. Batmanghelidj will be an eye opener for many."

Goal # 3) Go to bed 20 minutes earlier.

Jill feels we need a good nights sleep, water, a stress free life, and eating whole foods 90% of the time.

Jill works with clients one on one or in groups to design a plan that fits their lifestyles. Call her now for a free health history. 201 424 3463
Jill Jason Davis, CHHC. Hears To Health

Would you like to learn more about the Bella Bellies Community? Join our Meet-Up Group at or sign up for our teacher trainings, workshops and more at


Bella Bellies and Food

Inflammation from foods, directly contributes to a bloated belly...a site that is not at all "bella."

With a bella belly objective/end goal in mind, I frequently recommend my clients reduce or eliminate foods they have difficulty digesting. Consistently reducing or eliminating foods such as gluten or dairy, and replacing them with healthy foods, significantly reduced their belly circumference. How or why gluten/dairy is a consistent culprit is debatable, but speaking as a personal trainer, the bottom-line is -it worked and our goal was attained.

For more insight into the matter, Jill Davis provided us with a Q &A below.

I met Jill during my Doula training in 2007. Jill is committed to maternal health and well-being, and I am happy to write she has expanded her business into nutritional health and well-being.

What is Gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in BROW (Barley, Rye, Oats- technically, oats are not gluten, but it is cross contaminated in factories-get Gluten Free Oats--and Wheat). It is used as a way to flavor foods and acts as a thickening agent.  

What are some digestive problems with gluten?
Most Americans do not have the proper gut flora (we need good and bad bacteria, most of us only have the bad) to help break down gluten. This causes inflammation in the body, possibly causing ADD, ADHD, allergies, Autism, depression, eczema, constipation, and so on.

What are some digestive problems with Dairy? 
 Dairy causes excess mucus due to high heating during pasteurizing. This process kills all the wonderful enzymes and nutrients. This may contribute to symptoms similar to arthritis, allergies, sinus issues, night terrors, eczema, and many other illnesses.  

What happens when someone who is sensitive to Gluten or Dairy eliminates it from their diet? If you are sensitive to gluten or dairy eliminating them from your diet should make you feel better.  

How long does it take dairy and/or gluten to "leave our systems"?
It usually takes about six weeks for gluten and dairy to leave our systems.  

How difficult is it to "go" dairy and gluten free?
Gluten and dairy free diets are easier to stick by nowadays with so many options at restaurants, health food stores, and even conventional supermarkets, like Shoprite!  

Other information: Rule of thumb is to stick to eating whole foods, minimal sugar and processed foods. Try to think of the vegetable, then the protein and a good healthy fat like coconut oil, cold pressed olive oil, butter, chicken fat or lard to cook it all in!

For more information on your child's health or for a free health intake, contact Jill Davis, Founder and Owner or Hears to Health- 201 424 3463

Would you like to learn more about the Bella Bellies Community? Join our Meet-Up Group at or sign up for our teacher trainings, workshops and more at