Monday, April 26, 2010

In answer to Question: Why is there an inital health screening prior to one-on-one training?

A health screening and health history form help to provide a trainer, and client, with safe and effective exercise-parameters. Initially we will gather information regarding your current activity level, present/past illness(es), present/past injury(ies), family history (relative to acute or chronic illness) present medications and most recent physical exam. We will also discuss current stress management and daily nutrition. Prior to the appointment I recommend "filling-out " a Par-Q-Form, (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire Form). In summary, the mandatory forms are a health history form, medical release form and lifestyle information form. Furthermore, we use a variety of "field tests" to determine resting metabolic rate, balance-nutrition-fit, resting heart rate, target heart rate range, blood pressure, diastasis rectus, core strength, muscle-to-fat ratio, circumference measurements, range of motion analysis, strength analysis and more.....

Why do we do this? First, the exercise program at Bella Bellies is focused on lifestyle changes. During our sessions we discuss daily habits outside and inside of the studio. Therefore, if a medical condition is interfering with fitness goals it is both frustrating to the client and trainer. There is no need to waste precious time on daily routine habits that are ineffective or even unhealthy.

Why do I mention ineffective or unhealthy?
Exercise can often aggravate an existing condition or precipitate a new condition. Some common conditions which affect exercise include and are not limited to: hernias, atherosclerosis (fatty deposits of cholesterol and calcium which harden, tighten and narrow the arteries), coronary artery disease, anemia, hypertension (blood pressure equal to or greater than 140/90), any condition such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that could result in dyspnea (difficulty breathing), overuse of a particular area of the musculo-skeletal system and metabolic diseases (such as diabetes or hypo/hyperthyroid) and more. Also, some medications which may cause an increase/decrease in heart rate include: beta-adrenergic blocking agents, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, anti-hypertensives and more.

What happends if I do not pass my inital fitness assessment?
If necessary we will refer you to a health care provider who has obtained a degree, professional license and is board certified. We will provide at least 2 referrals. If you would like, we can help you with arranging appointments and (if necessary) child care for those appointments.

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