Thursday, March 25, 2010


Here are some notes I took from the American College of Exercise Training Manual...I tried to present this material and re-word so all could understand. Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Cardiovascular endurance:
Did you know that heart disease in America is the #1 "killer" of women?

What is the physiology of cardiovascular exercise?

Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver adequate oxygen to exercising muscles. Think of the cardiopulmonary system as a transport of oxygen, nutrients/energy (fats, amino acids and glucose) and waste such as lactic acid and carbon dioxide.
Basically in the lungs, blood gives up carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen. Blood is transported in the body through an incredible network of blood vessels.

1) Blood enters the pulmonary veins
2) Blood enters the left side of the heart
3) Blood enters the systemic arteries
4) Blood discharges oxygen and binds to carbon dioxide in the body
5) Blood enters the systemic veins
6) Blood enters the right side of the heart
7) Blood enters the pulmonary artery

What are the benefits of cardiovascular exercise?
  1. The heart spends more time resting (diastole) at any sub-maximal exercise intensity.
  2. There is an increase in "stroke volume at rest" meaning the amount of blood pumped away from the heart in one minute increases and the heart works more efficiently.
  3. In response, your resting heart rate (your pulse after 4 hours of rest) decreases because it does not have to work as hard. The resting heart rate decreases because the interior dimensions of the ventricles increases. Meaning the ventricles hold more blood. This takes 12 weeks of consistent cardiovascular training.
  4. Also, your VO2 max increases. Meaning your ability to utilize oxygen during exercise increases.
  5. Mitochondrial density within the muscles increases. Meaning the site of energy production of the cell grows in strength ad is more capable of energy/ATP production. Meaning MORE energy!
  6. Your "anaerobic threshold" increases. Anaerobic threshold is the point during high-intensity activity when the body can no longer meet its demand of oxygen and anaerobic metabolism predominates, meaning energy outside the mitochondria of the cell. The anaerobic threshold corresponds to the upper limit of sustainable aerobic exercise. The mitochondria uses fat (fatty acids) and carbohydrates (glucose) to produce energy. Basically your stamina for movement increases.

Some more straight-forward points:

  1. Reduction in blood pressure
  2. Decrease in LDL Cholesterol (LOUSY cholesterol). Increase in HDL Cholesterol (HEALTHY cholesterol)
  3. Decreased clinical symptoms of anxiety, tension and depression
  4. Prevention of diabetes because of improved glucose tolerance
  5. Increased mobilization and utilization of fat
  6. Reduction of blood clotting tendencies
  7. Decreased chance of diseases such as: cancer, diabetes, heart disease.
  8. Reduction of mortality

What is the ideal exercise frequency?

3-5 times per week, with no more than 2 days of rest in between. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends exercising every other day for the initial 8 weeks.

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