Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Four Celebrity Secrets for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

During my career, I have had the pleasure of working with a variety of clients and trainers. Below are four tips I learned along the way.

  1. Strive for 10 fruits and veggies daily that are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. One example is blueberries -one of Ellie Kreiger's (host of "Healthy Appetite")  favorite snacks.
  2. Drink a glass of water before each meal. Also, over the course of the day, ensure you are consuming the appropriate amount of water by dividing your body weight in half and consuming / drinking the resulting number in ounces. This is what gives Anne Hathaway that beautiful glow and helps curb her appetite.
  3. Alternate workout routines by trying new machines and classes. One of the reasons why celebrity trainers, such as Bob Harper from NBC's  "The Biggest Loser", are successful is because they incorporate a varying range of exercise modalities (Personal Training, Pilates, Yoga, Etc) into their fitness routine(s).
  4.  Most importantly - always listen to you body. Before beginning any exercise program consult with your health care provider for clearance and guidelines. If movement or exercise causes pain, abnormal exhaustion, abnormal difficulty in breathing or simply does not feel "right", stop and consult your health care provider. Do not risk potential health problems that set you further back from achieving your goals. 

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